
Creative Careers


The arts and creative sector is thriving in Kirklees and it is one of the main sources of employment in the area.

Evoke worked with C+K to creative a suite of resources to help connect young people with exciting opportunities to help them navigate their own creative career pathway.

Following an extensive piece of research with over 500 young people, we created 14 films that demonstrate some of the varied careers that are available. These films are hosted on C+K's youth facing website MyDirections. In addition to the films, young people are also able to undertake a number of quizzes that will further enhance their knowledge of the opportunities that are available in the creative sector.

About Evoke

Evoke promotes arts and creative opportunities to improve attainment, increase aspirations and provide a cultural education for young people in Kirklees.

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The Evoke Network

The partnership brings together people from arts and cultural organisations, educational institutions and the local authority to drive joined-up local arts and cultural offer, share resources and knowledge, and strengthen and increase high-quality arts for children and young people across the borough both inside and outside of school.

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