
Creative Health & Wellbeing

The creative impulse is fundamental to being human, so it is no surprise that creativity is increasingly being spoken about in relation to Health. Creative Health programmes are being implemented across the country as a growing body of research states that arts and cultural activities can have positive effects on mental health, emotional wellbeing & physical health.

The Evoke Creative Health Network is about implementing this learning & working together in partnership so we can improve the lives of children and young people in Kirklees for years to come.

We are a network of organisations who are motivated by the need to develop opportunities for children and young people to be creative. We believe that such opportunities are rewarding and enriching in themselves, but also that they can aid the mental health and personal development of children and young people as they navigate challenges in their lives. We want to change the culture in Kirklees, so that the benefits of creativity in regard to mental health are spoken about in the same way as the benefits of exercise to physical health.

In 2020 Evoke formed the Kirklees Creative Health Partnership to collaborate with local health providers to reduce health inequalities by identifying barriers to engagement with creative activities and co-producing new opportunities.

We have been involved in a range of events for students in primary and secondary schools..

About Evoke

Evoke promotes arts and creative opportunities to improve attainment, increase aspirations and provide a cultural education for young people in Kirklees.

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The Evoke Network

The partnership brings together people from arts and cultural organisations, educational institutions and the local authority to drive joined-up local arts and cultural offer, share resources and knowledge, and strengthen and increase high-quality arts for children and young people across the borough both inside and outside of school.

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