
Privacy Statement

Evoke Kirklees recognises the importance of privacy and security to persons accessing the Evoke Kirklees web site. For your reassurance, please read the following summary of our privacy and security policy.

For those who browse the Evoke Kirklees web site but do not submit a form, no information is collected. For those who do submit a form, Evoke Kirklees records your personal details, e-mail address and selections on its database held on an off-line server. Due diligence is taken to ensure that this information can only be accessed by Evoke Kirklees staff, and is only used to send the information requested. Evoke Kirklees is registered under the terms of the United Kingdom's Data Protection Act 1998, which limits Evoke Kirklees's use of the personal data collected.

Evoke Kirklees will delete your personal details stored on its database on receipt of a personal delete request from you quoting your personal details and original e-mail message or date of completion of form. Evoke Kirklees does not create or use any cookies - small text files stored on your hard disk. Evoke Kirklees does not share your personal information with any third parties.

Evoke Kirklees will endeavour to respond promptly to any persons expressing concern about its privacy and security provisions, and to take appropriate action should these concerns be acknowledged by Evoke Kirklees.

About Evoke

Evoke promotes arts and creative opportunities to improve attainment, increase aspirations and provide a cultural education for young people in Kirklees.

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The Evoke Network

The partnership brings together people from arts and cultural organisations, educational institutions and the local authority to drive joined-up local arts and cultural offer, share resources and knowledge, and strengthen and increase high-quality arts for children and young people across the borough both inside and outside of school.

Get in touch with Evoke

If you would like to get in touch with Evoke or join our mailing list please complete the form below.