Our Biennale Children's Art Festival
Our Biennale is a festival of arts and culture made with children and young people in Kirklees.
Produced by Evoke (the Kirklees Local Cultural Education Partnership) Our Biennale is led by The Children’s Art School. Partners from Evoke collaborate with young people, artists, cultural organisations, and teachers in Kirklees to co-create this amazing festival for the whole community.
Our Biennale began in 2018 and saw children and young people in Kirklees collaborate with artists, composers, choreographers, musicians, writers, animators, DJs and theatre producers to make their very own remarkable pieces of dance, music, animation, poetry, art and drama, all based on the theme Darkness and Light.
Our Biennale returned for 2020-2021, once again celebrating arts and culture with young people across Kirklees. It ran between September 2020 – June 2021 and involved over 2000 children and young people 18 schools, 2 x 6th form colleges, 5 youth groups and concluded in an amazing exhibition in 6 units around the Piazza shopping centre in June 2021.
In 2022, Our Biennale projects were delivered in schools and communities from April - June and the theme was MAGNIFICENT ME!
The focus of the festival was well-being and using the arts to inspire children and young people as they overcame the effects of lockdowns and isolations. Artists helped them celebrate and express themselves through movement, music, self-portraits, alter egos, avatars, puppets, costumes and more.
Our Biennale will return again in 2024.
Get in touch for further info!
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About Evoke
Evoke promotes arts and creative opportunities to improve attainment, increase aspirations and provide a cultural education for young people in Kirklees.
Read more about Evoke

The Evoke Network
The partnership brings together people from arts and cultural organisations, educational institutions and the local authority to drive joined-up local arts and cultural offer, share resources and knowledge, and strengthen and increase high-quality arts for children and young people across the borough both inside and outside of school.
Our Partners
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