Iroko Project's Young Storyteller Sessions
The Iroko Project is hosting a series of storytelling workshops for young people between the ages of 13-18.
Sessions are being held at the Lawerence Batley Theatre every Saturday from 3pm-4.30pm starting from May 28th.
Storytelling is an integral part of African culture that enables intergenerational sharing of lessons and experiences. Our creative facilitators will help the young people to find their creative voices whilst also sharing their own life stories.
The creative storytelling activites will be based around different forms of storytelling, including spoken word, literature, rap, music and performance.
Target Audience
This project to targeted at young people who identify themselves as coming from a Black, African, Caribbean or Mixed BAC background. The aim is to create a culturally relevant space for young people from the BAC community which will reflect in the activities and facilitators in the sessions. However, we do not exclude other young people who feel this project could be relevant and useful to them.
March - July 2022
Free of charge
If you would like to join one of our sessions or suggest a young person, then please get in touch:
About Evoke
Evoke promotes arts and creative opportunities to improve attainment, increase aspirations and provide a cultural education for young people in Kirklees.

The Evoke Network
The partnership brings together people from arts and cultural organisations, educational institutions and the local authority to drive joined-up local arts and cultural offer, share resources and knowledge, and strengthen and increase high-quality arts for children and young people across the borough both inside and outside of school.
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